11 – Reaching out
Comic Blog
It was tempting to have this comic be delayed another week, but instead I pulled an all-nighter and got it out only a day late of my personal goal. There’s a load of text and shading, so future comics should be easier to make since these are the last night scenes for a while! Of course that means I’ll probably spend a ton of time fine-tuning other parts of the comic, but that’s how it goes.
It was really hard writing this one because of the slang! I wasn’t worried that the slang wasn’t authentic-sounding enough; I grew up around it long enough that it shouldn’t be a problem. I mean it was really hard to force myself to write with incorrect grammar, which is something writers are allowed to do with character dialogue. Yes, tell the grammar police that it wasn’t an emergency after all and put down the phone. Don’t worry – there’s a future character who will be much better in this area.
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