16 – Complicated bathroom
Comic Blog
Finally a comic that doesn’t have a movie parody title. It wasn’t intentional, just the titles that jumped out to me at the time. This is the first comic that has absolutely no text! It was a little refreshing not have to do the lettering and then clean it all up, but it took just as long as the other comics because there were so many small pictures. In fact, all those pictures made it a little daunting, but in the end I changed three of the first panels to closeups, which not only saved me from drawing the same sink several times, but also made it look more interesting! I loved drawing those rodents in the last panel, though! I like it when I’m able to draw something that should look new and different. Oh, and don’t worry about the seal and the bottle of cleaner spray – they’re on that one shelf that was in the previous comic.
If you can’t tell what’s going on in the pictures, check out the transcript by clicking the “Comic Transcript” link above this text. It ended up looking pretty small, and I was way zoomed in while drawing most of it, so it was hard to tell how it would end up.
I surprisingly got this comic up on a Sunday – which has been my target date all along! The lack of text definitely helped since I was about half done on the first day of working on it, but I also might have forced more time for it since I start working third shift Sundays at midnight now. This means nothing to you people in the way future, but for those reading now it means that I’ll either get the comic out late Sunday night or maybe midday Monday! That’s why I’m sticking with what I said on Comic 12 – the comic is updated SMuondays.
I’ll add a couple of closeups here for some of those panels, because I want people to see what I drew and also give them a chance to see what’s going on if they don’t have zoom or have vision issues. Here’s the ones I think need closeups!
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