7 – Empty nest
Comic Blog
Still sticking to my goal of weekly comics! And thus ends the streak, actually, because next week I’m out of town for my twin cousin’s wedding. (Yes, I have a twin cousin, and now you might see where I get some of the crazy things in the comic.)
This comic coincidentally lines up with my life slightly. Just recently I got a new roommate, but stayed in the same apartment, and a lot of the drawing in this comic was inspired by how the apartment looked during that in between phase! Interestingly enough, the actual comic was drawn about a decade ago, but it just so happens to line up with my life events as I’m drawing this final digital version that’s finally going online. I’m sure that won’t be the last – one of my superpowers is weird coincidences like that.
This comic was originally only the bottom three panels – just as with comic 5 it was before I decided that a six panel (or at least that size) minimum felt like a decent amount of comic for readers. I was thinking of some creative ways to scatter the three original panels throughout the space and fill in the empty house around them, but in the end I opted for the empty room only on top, as that really expressed the lonely emptiness that Rupert is feeling in the moment. Slightly less artsy, but I think the mood of the comic benefits from it.
As of this comic’s posting, I just edited the past comic transcriptions (that link above this text) to include descriptions of the scenes with no text. Anyone who is vision impaired, curious, or confused by what the heck I tried to draw should go back and check those out!
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